Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Recent Shots

Hi, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. My pictures
from my earlier posts have vanished and I am trying my best
repair the damage. But for now, I want to share a few recent
shots I have taken.

Fuffy Tit
This one was very hard to shoot, the wind was strong and the
butterfly was skittish. I only managed this picture when he
came down to feed.

Fivebar Swordtail
This is a lovely butterfly, with a bright white upperside.
It was puddling on sand and was actually very approachable
and easy to shoot.

Common Mormon
I got this picture at the same spot as the fivebar swordtail.
The mormon was tame enough for me to snap a few pictures.

Dark Caerulean
It wasn't easy to get this shot of this uncommon butterfly.
The wind kept on blowing the grass blade it was on so I had to
hold my breath and fire!

Dark Glassy Tiger
This shot is actually from Pulau Ubin, where these lovely
tigers are quite common. This one was feeding on the chemicals
found on a pea pod.

Well, that's all for now, I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
I will post more next time! :)