Sunday, 6 February 2011

Busy Year

Hi all Bluebottle readers,
This year I may be a little busy studying as I am
taking a major examination at the end of this year,
the Primary School Leaving Exam. So I am sorry to
say that there might only be a few posts this year.
However, I will try to make up for it after the exam
is over. Thanks!


  1. Hi Bluebottle!

    I'm Calvin, an secondary school student living in the west of Singapore. I really like your pictures, the butterflies just looks amazing!

    I aspire to become a Zoologist and is also into photography! Please do visit my blog, comment on the pictures you like and don't be afraid to criticize on the pictures that you don't like. The exchange of ideas would really help me! Thanks

  2. Hi Calvin, thanks for all the encouraging words. Your shoots are good too!

  3. Hi Bluebottle, I am one of your fans. Your pictures are excellent!
    Good luck for your exam! Looking forward to your new posts after the exam…
