Sunday, 26 January 2014

Sea Eagles over the Forest

It's not actually that out of place. Many of our forest reserves fringe 
reservoirs or disused quarries. If not, they're already in close
proximity to the actual coast. Recently, White Bellied Sea Eagles 
have become quite a familiar sight all over the island. After 
disappointing day at Dairy Farm, I took a walk to the summit of
Bukit Timah hill on impulse and met an eagle.

It was circling around the summit for a while so I decided to 
fiddle around with my camera settings, ending up with many
striking silhouette shots. Another eagle joined in not long after.
Here is a more conventional picture, showing the white belly.

The White Bellied Sea Eagle is a large (hovers around 80cm) 
diurnal raptor and as its name suggests, fish makes up most of its
diet but it also preys on other animals. In Singapore, being one 
of the largest raptors, it has been known to harass other smaller
birds-of-prey for their catches.


  1. Great pictures Jonny. Let's see, a disappointing day, did you only see about 20 species of butterflies?!!!lol!

  2. Haha. Disappointing here is disappointing anywhere. :) I didn't see any butterflies at all!
